Mountfield judicial review update v2
Thanks to donations from residents of South Canterbury and beyond, legal action is being taken to tear up the decision of Canterbury City Council to grant planning permission for Mountfield Park, the largest development that it has ever considered. The development includes 4,000 houses/flats, and over 750,000 square feet of other mainly commercial buildings.
Significant progress with the case has been made. Permission has been granted by the Honourable Mr. Waksman, a High Court judge, so that the case can be taken forward on all grounds and considered by the Planning Court at a hearing. This hearing will take place, it is hoped, before the end of 2021 after further documentation has been provided.
There is much more legal work to be done; this includes considering further documents and preparing for the hearing.
Thank you if you have already donated. To keep the court case running however, further donations are needed to cover the legal court fees. Donations from anyone who has not yet contributed to the costs of the case would be welcomed. Should any funds that are raised not be required ultimately (e.g., because the case is won, and the Council pays most of the costs), pro rata refunds will be made.
Contributions to the costs of the case can be made as follows:
1 By Cheque made payable to “Mr. Thomas John Lynch” Please deliver/post to Mr. T Lynch, 118 New Dover Road, Canterbury CT1 3EH. Please enclose a note saying, “For the Mountfield Park JR” and giving your Name, Address Email & Phone number, OR
2 By Bank transfer/mobile banking Account Name. Mr. Thomas John Lynch Sort Code 20 17 92, Account 83587614 Reference: MOUNTFIELD JR If you are donating by bank transfer, please also send an email to giving your Name, , Address, Email, Phone number and the amount donated by bank transfer.
(Please state should you wish your details to remain confidential).