The Bridge Neighbourhood Plan is nearing completion. At the Neighbourhood Plan Committee meeting of 17 August it was announced that Pett Farm has been inserted into the Plan for light industrial units while house building in the Green Gap (site 2) has been deleted. However, it is proposed to build eight affordable houses on the Brickfields. A new Cantley proposal has been received for building near the A2, but plans for this were not circulated to members of the public. The Parish Council will shortly meet with developer Mark Quinn to discuss Highland Court and other issues. ConserveBridge calls for full transparency on Parish Council deliberations with Cantley and Mr Quinn. We note again that the government-appointed Housing Inspector struck out the Brickfields from the recently-adopted Canterbury District Local Plan, and we reiterate our complete opposition to all new build on this site, which is an integral part of the AONB.
Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Committee
Posted in News.